Sticky bud of the Horse Chestnut tree bursting into leaf

Pink Camellia in full bloom in springtime

Close-up of a Clump of Dandelions (Taraxacum)

Rock Storks-bill (Eroddium foetidum) flowering in springtime in Eastbourne

A display of Garden Aubrieta flowering in the spring sunshine

Freckled Dapperling Fungi growing in a meadow in West Sussex

Sticky bud of the Horse Chestnut tree bursting into leaf

A group of yellow Primroses flowering in the spring sunshine

Andersons Hebe (Hebe andersonii) flowering in springtime in Eastbourne

Fungi growing in a meadow in West Sussex

A group of Greek Anemones (Blanda Schott and Kotschy) flowering in springtime

A group of pink Primroses flowering in the spring sunshine

Sunlit Red-Belted Bracket, Fomitopsis pinicola, fungus growing on a dead tree

Japanese Cherry tree flowering profusely in East Grinstead

A magenta Anemone flowering in a garden in springtime

Lesser Celandine, Ranunculus ficaria, flowering in East Grinstead

Alpine Delphinium, delphinium elatum L, flowering in East Grinstead

English Lavender flowering by the coast at Bognor Regis

View of Poppies in bloom in a field in West Pentire Cornwall

Poppies flowering in the hedgerow near Padstow in Cornwall

Freeway Iceplant, Carpobrotus edulis, flowering in Padstow Cornwall

Pride-of-Madeira, Echium candicans, flowering near Padstow in Cornwall

View of Poppies in bloom in a field in West Pentire Cornwall

View of Poppies and Corn Marigolds in bloom in a field in West Pentire Cornwall

Common Male Fern, Dryopteris filix-mas beginning to unfurl in springtime

Hollyhock (Alcea) flowering in East Grinstead

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) blooming in springtime

Close-up of some Cuckooflowers blooming in springtime

Vibrant yellow Daffodil flowering in East Grinstead

LOS PALMITOS, GRAN CANARIA, SPAIN - MARCH 8 : Pink Orchid flowering in Los Palmitos, Gran Canaria, Spain on March 8, 2022

LOS PALMITOS, GRAN CANARIA, SPAIN - MARCH 8 : Pink Orchid flowering in Los Palmitos, Gran Canaria, Spain on March 8, 2022

LOS PALMITOS, GRAN CANARIA, SPAIN - MARCH 8 : Pink Orchid flowering in Los Palmitos, Gran Canaria, Spain on March 8, 2022

LOS PALMITOS, GRAN CANARIA, SPAIN - MARCH 8 : Cactus growing in Los Palmitos, Gran Canaria, Spain on March 8, 2022

LOS PALMITOS, GRAN CANARIA, SPAIN - MARCH 8 : Aloe Vera growing in Los Palmitos, Gran Canaria, Spain on March 8, 2022

LOS PALMITOS, GRAN CANARIA, SPAIN - MARCH 8 : Mexican Fire Barrel growing in Los Palmitos, Gran Canaria, Spain on March 8, 2022

LOS PALMITOS, GRAN CANARIA, SPAIN - MARCH 8 : Cactus growing in Los Palmitos, Gran Canaria, Spain on March 8, 2022

Spiked Speedwell flowering in a garden in East Grinstead

An Early Purple Orchid flowering near East Grinstead

Red Lupin flowering in a garden in East Grinstead

Close-up of an Orange Climbing Rose flowering in the summer sunshine

Suffolk Fantasy Dahlia flowering in summertime

Poppy flowering in summertime in East Grinstead

Vibrant red Dahlia flowering in summertime

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Unidentified Shrub or Tree in Singapore

Spider Lily (Amaryllidaceae)

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Heliconia (Chartacea) in Singapore Botanical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Spathoglottis Philippe 'Mathilde' (Spathoglottis vanoverberghii x Spathoglottis Lion of Singapore)

Unidentified Shrub or Tree in Singapore

Mokara Vaciav Livia Klaus (Arachnis Ishbel x Ascocenda Piswong)

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Dendrobium Ali Bongo Ondimba 'Sylvia' (Dendrobium Masako Kotaishi Hidenka x Dendrobium williamsianum)

Dendrobium Joaquim Alberto Chissano (Dendrobium Le-Classic x Dendrobium Fairy Wong)

Vanda Usha (Vanda Josephine van Brero x Vanda Doctor Anek)

Dendrobium Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad (Dendrobium Neha x Dendrobium Chao Praya Candy)

Dendrobium Jean Chretien (Dendrobium Mak See X Dendrobium Anching Lubag)

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Unidentified Plant in Singapore

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Lady Di (Heliconia psittacorum)

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Chark Kuan (Mokara)

Anthurium sp (Araceae)

Orchid in Singapore Botannical Gardens

Red Hibiscus Flower Blooming in Calahonda

Poppies flowering in a strip of wildflowers in East Grinstead

A Common Spotted Orchid, (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) flower spike near Ardingly

Hollyhocks (Alcea) flowering in East Grinstead

Bird Cherry (Prunus padus) tree leaves in autumn in East Grinstead

Close up of some Sussex Bluebells in springtime

Macro shot of a pink and orange Echinacea flower head

Sunlit Cistus (Lucitanica Decumbens) flowering in an English garden

Bunch of Blackcurrants ripening in the sun

Purple Calla Lily

Red Begonia (Begonia evansiana andrews) growing in a garden in Berrynarbor

Rainwater droplets on a Pink Rose

Bright red Acer leaves in the autumn sunshine

Holly (Ilex) bough with red berries in autumn

Black grapes ripening on the vine

Field of Poppies in Sussex

Velvet Shank Fungi (Flammulina velutipes) growing on an old tree stump

Velvet Shank Fungi (Flammulina velutipes) growing on an old tree stump

Californian Poppy Eschscholzia californica flowering in Froncysyllte, Wrexham, Wales

Poppies flowering in a field in Bettisfield Wales

Wild flowers growing along the bank of the River Dee near Berwyn

Clowns Woundwort ( Stachys palustris L) flowering by the mere in Ellesmere

Closeup of orange Tiger Lilies flowering in a garden in Wales

Bigflower Tickseed (Coreopsis Grandiflora Hogg ex Sweet) flowering in East Grinstead

Blue Cornflowers growing in a garden in East Grinstead

Early Purple Orchid (Orchis mascula)

Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata ericetorum) flowering in springtime

Wild pink Dog Rose (Rosa canina) flowering in springtime

Healthy Fig tree growing in Tuscany Italy

Vivid red Peony flowering in a garden inthe spring sunshine

Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys) growing in springtime in Sussex

Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys) growing in springtime in Sussex

Brazilian Giant Rhubarb (Gunnera manicata) growing in springtime in Cornwall

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) flowering in springtime in Cornwall

A swathe of Bluebells illuminated by spring sunshine

Pink Bluebells flowering in East Grinstead

Close-up of some Cuckooflowers blooming in springtime

Close-up of some Cuckooflowers blooming in springtime

A group of magenta Primroses flowering in the spring sunshine

Magenta Anemone flowers in a garden in springtime

White Hyacinth flower blooming in a flowerbed in East Grinstead

Glory-of-the-snow (Scilla luciliae) flowering in the spring sunshine

Common Sallow (Salix caprea) golden yellow catkins are the harbinger of spring

Pink Camellia flower in full bloom in springtime

Pink flowerhead of a Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) blooming in the Dolomites

Purple Crocuses flowering in East Grinstead in springtime

Pink Camellia in full bloom in wintertime

Purple Crocuses flowering in East Grinstead in wintertime

Crocuses flowering in East Grinstead

Pink Clematis in full bloom in the November sunshine

Colourful decaying fern covered with hoar frost on a winters day

Frozen leaves of a Beech tree covered with frost

Close up of some Blackberry leaves covered with hoar frost

Dead weed covered with hoar frost on a cold winters day in East Grinstead

Close up of some Blackberry leaves covered with hoar frost

Dead Cow Parsley covered in hoar frost on a winters day

Close up of some unripened Blackberries covered with hoar frost

Close up of some Blackberry leaves covered with hoar frost

Catkins on a Hazel (Corylus avellana) tree covered with hoar frost on a winters day

Dead Cow Parsley covered in hoar frost on a winters day

Wild red berries covered with hoar frost on a cold winters day

Frozen leaves of an Oak tree covered with frost

A clump of moss on a wall covered with hoar frost on a winters day

Weed covered with hoar frost on a cold winters day in East Grinstead

Red Cotoneaster berries covered with hoar frost on a cold winters day

Snowdrops flowering in January in Folkington East Sussex

Geranium maderense Yeo growing wild in Madeira

White fungus growing out of the rotting leaves of autumn

Shaggy Cap, Shaggy Inkcap or Lawyer's Wig (coprinus comatus)

Kaffir Lily, Crimson Flag Lily (Hesperantha coccinea)

Fallen Oak leaves in a pond in illuminated by the autumn sunshine

Close up of some Blackberry leaves backlit in the autumn sunshine

Close up of some Blackberry leaves backlit in the autumn sunshine

Cow Parsnip ( Heracleum sphondylium) growing near a lake in Surrey

Fallen Oak leaves on the ground in autumn

Fallen Oak leaves on the ground in autumn

Fallen Oak leaves on the ground in autumn

Close up of some Blackberry leaves fallen tp the ground sunlit in the autumn sunshine

Hollyhock (Alcea) Flowering in Happisburgh Norfolk

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia) Flower from Madeira

Wild White Agapanthus (Agapanthaceae} by the Roadside in Madeira

Pink Water Lily

Iris (Irideae) Flowering in an English Garden

Japanese anemone close up (anemone hupehensis)

A Mass of Echinacea Flowers

Frost Tipped Teasels (Dipsacus)

A Clump of Bluebells

Close-up of a Dandelion (Taraxacum) Seed Head

Close-up of a Dandelion (Taraxacum) seed head in a field in Godstone Surrey

Close-up of a Dandelion (Taraxacum) seed head in a field in Godstone Surrey

Red Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea glabra) Flowering in Cyprus

Solano Bush (Solanum rantonnetii) Flowering in Cyprus

Bonnet Mycena Fungus (Mycena galericulata)

Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipiferain) in East Grinstead

Echeveria Succulent Plant Flowering

St John's Wort 'Hidcote' Plant illuminated by late afternoon sunlight

Acer palmatum leaves in autumn

Icicle Tree

Close-up of a Clump of Dandelions (Taraxacum)

English Country Garden

Mallow Growing behind a Stone Wall on Holy Island

Flowers on Display at the Alnwick Gardens

Unusual Bark on a Plane Tree in Parco di Monza

Royal Poinciana

Aloe Vera Growing in Tenerife

Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus Flower flowering in Tenerife

Green Catkins (male flowers) on a Sessile Oak tree in Essex

Double Flower of a Pink Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris)

Viper's Bugloss (echium vulgare) growing on the cliff edge near Beachy Head

Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata)

Sea Pinks (Armeria)

Viper's Bugloss (echium vulgare) growing on the cliff edge near Beachy Head

Field of Poppies in Sussex

Field of Poppies in Sussex

Field of Poppies in Sussex

California Sunflower

Pomegranate Flower (Punica granatum L ) in Sonoma Valley California

Red Dog Rose

Virginia Creeper

Red rose bursting into flower

Bunches of ripe black grapes on the vine

Fly Agaric Toadstool (Amanita muscaria)

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Fly Agaric Toadstool (Amanita muscaria)

Acer Leaves in Autumn

SHEFFIELD PARK, SUSSEX/UK - November 3 : Autumn at Sheffield Park Gardens in Sussex on November 3, 2012.

Sheffield Park Gardens

Poppies Growing in Val d'Orcia Tuscany

Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata ericetorum)

Yellow Rose (Peace) flowering in an English garden

Sunlit pink tinged yellow rose (Peace) flowering in an English garden

Flowering spikes of Veronica Spicata Ulster Dwarf Blue flower

Common Hydrangea (H macrophylla)

Cistus (Lucitanica Decumbens) flowering in an English garden

Cultivated Ornamental Dog Rose

Cultivated Ornamental Dog Rose flowering in an English garden

Cultivated Ornamental Dog Rose

Salmon Pink Gladiolus

A cluster of sunlit Hops growing in Kent

Cultivated Hybrid Sunflower

Globe Artichoke Flower (Cynara Scolymus)

Pears growing against a brick wall in Kent

Clematis General Sikorski

Crossandra Guineensis

Wild Grass Growing at the Edge of a Lake

Sussex Bluebells

Lantana Camara shrub in Marbella Spain

Lantana Camara Shrub in Marbella Spain

Purple Flowers (Carpobrotus edulis)

Yellow Flowers (Carpobrotus edulis)

Poppies Flowering in Ronda

Poppies Flowering in Ronda Spain

Poppy Flowering in Ronda Spain

Mallow-leaved Bindweed (Convolvulus althaeoides)

A dense mat of pink and white daisies

East Grinstead in Bloom

East Grinstead in Bloom

A Conker and Leaves on a Lichen Covered Wall

Fly Agaric Toadstool (Amanita muscaria)

Castor Bean Plant (Ricinus communis) with purple foliage

Apple Blossom

Pink Magnolia Flowering

Pink Magnolia Flowering

Pink Magnolia Flowering

Yellow Skunk Cabbage (Lysichiton americanus)

White Magnolia Flowering

Bluebells in Full Bloom

Group of Daisies

Azaleas in Full Bloom

Azaleas in Full Bloom

Pink Magnolia Flowering

Sorbus Megalocarpa

Dandelion (Taraxacum) Seed Head

Thistle (Lamyropsis microcephala) in Sardinia

Red Saxifrage (Saxifraga) in Sardinia

Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) in Sardinia

Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) in Sardinia

Bottlebrush Tree (Callistemon) Flowering in Sardinia

Red and White Valerian (Centranthus ruber)

Red Echinacea flowering in an English garden

Pink Echinacea flowering in an English garden

Orange Gazanias flowering in an English garden

Bee on a Pink Echinacea Flower

Passion Flower (Passifloraceae)

Cosmos Flower Bud

Devils Bit Scabious (Succisa pratensis)

Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica)

Blue Harebell flowering on the shoreline at Loch Insh

Teasels (Dipsacus)

Golden Daffodil flowering in the spring sunshine

Bluebells Brightening up the Sussex Landscape

Bluebells Brightening up the Sussex Landscape

Southern Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza praetermissa)

Yellow Rose Flowering against a Wall in Southwold

Close-up view of a beautiful orange rose

Close-up view of a Pink Hybrid T Rose

Close-up view of a Pink Hybrid T Rose

Close-up view of a Pink Hybrid T Rose

Close-up view of a yellow Hybrid T Rose

Close-up view of a yellow Hybrid T Rose

Close-up view of a pink Gerbera (Asteraceae) flowering in the summer sunshine

Wild Flowers in an English Garden

Kniphofia, also called tritoma, red hot poker, torch lily, knofflers or poker plant

Acer Soccharinum Tree in Autumn

Acer Soccharinum Tree in Autumn

Acer Soccharinum Tree in Autumn

Acer Soccharinum Tree in Autumn

Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) in Autumn Colours

Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) in Autumn Colours

Carya Cordiformis Tree Leaves Changing Colour in Autumn

Weathered Fungus at Warnham Nature Reserve

Delavays Fir Tree and Cones in Roath Park

A Field of Poppies in Kent

Seedhead of the Milk Thistle, (Silybum marianum)

Pink Spotted Lily Flowering in Sussex

Miniature Pink Rose in Full Bloom

Agapanthus Seed Head in an English Garden

Sunlit Blue Clematis with an Abundance of Flowers

ISTANBUL, TURKEY - MAY 29 : Pink Water Lilies flowering at the Dolmabache Palace and Museum in Istanbul Turkey on May 29, 2018

Vibrant Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum) in full bloom

Vivid sunlit Cosmos flowers growing in a garden in Lindfield West Sussex

Mauve Penstemon flowering in autumn in East Grinstead

Autumnal colours of an Acer tree in East Grinstead

Maple leaf on the ground in Autumn in East Grinstead

Common Gorse (Ulex europaeus)

Snowdrops flowering in January in Folkington East Sussex

Crocuses Flowering in East Grinstead

Crocuses Flowering in East Grinstead

Crocus Flowering in East Grinstead

Crocuses Flowering in East Grinstead

Pink Camellia in Full Bloom in East Grinstead

Rapeseed (Brassica napus) flowering in the East Sussex countryside near Birch Grove

Ornithogalum Umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem) flowering in the East Sussex countryside

Cuckoo flowers (Cardamine pratensis) flowering in the spring sunshine at Birch Grove in East Sussex

Fritillaria Imperialis (Crown Imperial, Imperial fritillary or Kaiser's crown) Lily in full bloom

Fritillaria Imperialis (Crown Imperial, Imperial fritillary or Kaiser's crown) Lily in full bloom

View of a red Haworthia succulent plant

View of a Mammillaria bombycina Quehl starting to flower

White and yellow chrysanthemums blooming in Riomaggiore Liguria Italy

Convolvulus cneorum (Shrubby Bindweed) growing in Monterosso Liguria Italy

Polygala Myrtifolia or the myrtle-leaf milkwort flowering in Monterosso Liguria Italy

Creeping Campanula growing on a wall in Bristol producing small blue flowers

Ivy leaved Toadflax growing on a wall in Bristol

Vine growing on a wall in Bristol producing small blue flowers

Pink Valerian flowers growing from a wall in Bristol

Red and white Daisies flowering by a wall in Bristol

Salsify, Purple Salsify, John-go-to-bed-at-noon, Oyster plant, Vegetable oyster, Goatsbeard wild flower

Thistle flowering on a summer's day in Wiltshire

Blue Lacecap Hydrangea just beginning to flower

Acorns growing on an Oak tree in East Grinstead

Petunia flower display in East Grinstead West Sussex

Pink Hibiscus flowering in East Grinstead

Cultivated Rose hips growing in Broad Haven Pembrokeshire

Pot of white centered purple flowers of the hardy perennial Soke's Aster 'Purple Parasols', (Stokesia laevis)

Ivy-leaved Toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis) growing on a wall in Pembroke

German Gentian (Gentianella germanica) flower growing on Monte Poieto in Italy

Common rockrose (Helianthemum nummularium) in flower Monte Poieto in Italy

Alpine Clover (Trifolium alpinium) flowering on Monte Poieto in Italy

Frosty plants at Chailey Nature reserve in East Sussex

Common Gorse (Ulex europaeus) bursting into flower in springtime

Common Gorse (Ulex europaeus) bursting into flower in springtime

A clump of Bluebells flowering in the spring sunshine

Early Purple Orchid (Orchis mascula) flowering among the bluebells near East Grinstead

Close-up of a Dandelion flower (Taraxacum) and seed head in a field near East Grinstead

Bindweed climbing up an Early Purple Orchid (Orchis mascula) flowering near East Grinstead

White blossom of a wild Cherry tree (prunus avium)

Early morning dew on a sunlit Ramsons or Wild Garlic flower

Horse Chestnut Tree Bursting With New Growth

Crab Apple Blossom against a dark background

Meadow buttercup (Ranunculus acris) flowering by the side of a road

Colourful new growth on a Pieris Japonica shrub

A Grape Hyacinth (Muscari) flowering in the spring sunshine

Iris flower blooming in springtime in an English garden

Iris flower blooming in springtime in an English garden

Close-up of a Dandelion (Taraxacum) seed head in a field near East Grinstead

A group of Dandelion (Taraxacum) seed heads in a field near East Grinstead

Pink Clematis blooming in the spring sunshine

Pink Cistus flowering in a garden in West Sussex

Iris flower blooming in springtime in an English garden

Autumn Hawkbit (Leontodon Autumnalis) flowering in East Grinstead

Autumn Hawkbit (Leontodon Autumnalis) flowering in East Grinstead

Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata ericetorum)

Common Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) flowering in an English country garden

Wild pink Dog Rose (Rosa canina) flowering in springtime

Blue Campanula Persicifolia Bellflowers in an english garden

Raindrops on a cultivated ornamental Dog Rose flowering in summertime

Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense) flowering along the Worth Way in East Grinstead

Blue Cornflowers growing next to the promenade in Eastbourne

Yellow flowers blooming in summertime next to the promenade in Eastbourne

Picos Blue Sea Holly (Eryngium bourgatii ) flowering next to the promenade in Eastbourne

Wild Hollyhock (Alcea rosea) flowers. A Pink plant in the mallow family (Malvaceae) flowering in summertime.

Wild Hollyhock (Alcea rosea) flowers. A Pink plant in the mallow family (Malvaceae) flowering in summertime.

Blue Allium flowering in agarden in East Grinstead

Poppies flowering in a strip of wildflowers in East Grinstead

Poppies flowering in a strip of wildflowers in East Grinstead

Poppies flowering in a strip of wildflowers in East Grinstead

Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum) flowering in the english countryside

Raindrops on a Pink Clematis blooming in an english garden

Raindrops on a Pink Clematis blooming in an english garden

Stack of freshly sawn logs by Wilderness Lake in Tandridge

Summer flowers blooming in a flowerbed in an English garden

Mallow blooming profusely in a park in London

Yellow Gazania flowering in an English garden

Red and yellow Gazanias flowering in an English garden

White and purple Osteospermums flowering in an English garden

Blue Harebell flowers blooming in the Dolomites

Alpine Clover (Trifolium alpinum) growing wild in the Dolomites

Alpine Gentian (Gentiana nivalis) growing wild in the Dolomites

Black-eyed Susan flowers blooming in a garden in Cortina d'Ampezzo

Bellflower (Campanula cochleariifolia) growing wild in the Dolomites

Hawkbits (Scorzoneroides montana) flowering in the Dolomites

Blue Geranium pratense growing in a garden in Candide Italy

Echinpos exaltus Schrad. growing in a garden in Candide Italy

Sunlit Harebell flowering in a garden in Candide Italy

Campanula glomerata growing wild in the Dolomites

Acontium or Wolfsbane or Monks Hood (Aconitum napellus) growing wild in the Natural Park of Paneveggio Pale di San Martino in Tonadico, Trentino, Italy

Hoary Plantain (Plantago media) growing wild in Italy

Sunflower blooming in a garden in Italy

Sunflower blooming in a garden in Italy

Hibiscus shrub growing and flowering in Torre de' Roveri Italy

Common Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea L. Roth) growing wild in Italy

Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.) growing and flowering in a garden in Italy

Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.) growing and flowering in a garden in Italy

Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.) flowering in a garden in Bergamo

Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.) growing and flowering in a garden in Italy

Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.) growing and flowering in a garden in Italy

Sunflower blooming in a garden in Italy

China Lettuce (Lactuca serriola) growing in a garden in Italy

Garden Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus Cav.) growing and flowering in a garden in Italy

White Japanese Camellia (Camellia japonica) flowering by Lake Iseo in Italy

Hibiscus shrub growing and flowering at Lake Iseo in Italy

Keeled Garlic (Allium carinatum) growing in Torre de' Roveri Italy

Wild Blackberries ready for picking in Sussex

Blue Cornflower growing next to the promenade in Eastbourne

Blue Cornflower growing next to the promenade in Eastbourne

Butter and Eggs (Linaria vulgaris Mill.) growing on the South Downs near Alfriston, East Sussex

Pink Hibiscus flowering in East Grinstead

Pink and white Cyclamen (Persicum) in full bloom in an English garden

Purple Gazania flowering in an English garden

Purple Gazania flowering in an English garden

Teasels (Dipsacus) flowering in the Sussex countryside

Black Haw (Viburnum opulus) producing lots of red berries in late summer

Black Haw (Viburnum opulus) producing lots of red berries in late summer

Ripe fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree commonly called conkers

Pink Clematis blooming in the summer sunshine

Ripe fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree commonly called conkers on the ground

American Red Gum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua) leaves in autumn